Tag: Vaping

  • A Beginner’s Guide on Vaping 101

    In recent years, the use of electronic cigarettes has increased dramatically and is often promoted as a safe alternative to smoking regular cigarettes. But what exactly are e-cigarettes and how are they different from regular cigarettes? E-cigarettes (electronic nicotine delivery systems) are battery powered devices that heat a liquid to produce vapor which the user…

  • A Safer Alternative and Benefits of Choosing Vaping Over Smoking

    Smoking is known to be unhealthy and dangerous, but vaping has gained in popularity as an alternative. Vaping isn’t without risks, however, and it can cause long-term damage to your lungs. Find out if the vaping is safe or not by downloading K Health and talking to a healthcare provider through text, audio or video…

  • Important Considerations for Finding the Perfect Vape

    Smokers have a range of options when it comes to switching to vaping. They can use cigalike devices that look very much like cigarettes, or they can opt for the convenience of a pod vape. For heavier smokers, they can choose a mod device that allows them to control the amount of nicotine they consume…