A Beginner’s Guide on Vaping 101

In recent years, the use of electronic cigarettes has increased dramatically and is often promoted as a safe alternative to smoking regular cigarettes. But what exactly are e-cigarettes and how are they different from regular cigarettes?

E-cigarettes (electronic nicotine delivery systems) are battery powered devices that heat a liquid to produce vapor which the user inhales. The liquid contains nicotine along with flavourings and other chemicals. Some e-cigarettes look like regular cigarettes, cigars or pipes while others can be more discreet and look like USB flash drives, pens and other everyday items.

The vapor produced by e-cigarettes is not harmless water vapor but instead contains a cocktail of harmful substances including nicotine, which is highly addictive, diacetyl and acrolein, which are associated with lung disease, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals, and carcinogens such as formaldehyde and aldehydes. The vapour also has been shown to impair endothelial function and increase arterial stiffness in smokers.

Research has also shown that long term e-cigarette use may be just as hazardous as smoking traditional cigarettes and is associated with a lower quit rate. The nicotine in e-cigarettes is absorbed through the lungs and reaches the brain within seconds, stimulating the release of dopamine, which can increase the user’s heart rate and blood pressure and trigger a number of other harmful effects.

Nicotine can trigger an inflammatory response in the lung that is thought to lead to the development of pre-cancerous cells and to worsen cardiovascular disease. It is also known to promote tumour formation and can cause an array of other health problems such as respiratory diseases, eye diseases, tuberculosis, and immune system suppression.

E-cigarette users are also at risk of being exposed to second-hand smoke from other people’s cigarette smoking, as well as the toxic chemicals in the e-cigarette vapor that have been linked to poor lung health. In addition, a recent study found that young adults who regularly use e-cigarettes are at higher risk for the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic than non-users. Quickly get direction to cloud 9 cbd store grayson ga for more professional advise.

Despite these risks, many people are continuing to smoke traditional cigarettes and using e-cigarettes in addition to or as a substitute for their tobacco consumption. This is in part due to marketing strategies by e-cigarette companies and their use of social media, particularly Instagram, to encourage the use of their products. It is important for healthcare professionals to understand the impact of these products on their patients and educate them on the harms associated with their continued use. This can help them to support their patients in reducing or ceasing the use of these products. Further information can be found in our guide on cigarette and e-cigarette, as well as our fact sheets on tobacco and e-cigarettes.